6 Patterns > Acute Lung Injury Pattern > Subpatterns > w/ Foreign Material

Acute Lung Injury w/ Foreign Material

A variety of foreign material in the lung can produce an acute lung injury pattern. The material can gain access to the lung via the airways (aspiration) or vasculature (embolized material). It is common for these cases to show a component of granulomatous inflammation or foreign body giant cell reaction.

Click the image similar to your case to further investigate. 

Aspiration 1.jpg




Radioactive beads..jpg

Radioactive Beads


Injected Material

Sample Signout

If no additional specific histologic features are identified, consider the following approach to signing the case out:

Acute and organizing lung injury with elements suspicious for foreign material (see comment).

Comment:  The biopsy shows extensive acute lung injury. There are some elements suspicious for foreign material. The differential diagnosis includes aspiration and embolized material. Clinical correlation is required.