6 Patterns > Acute Lung Injury Pattern > Subpatterns > w/ Necrosis

Acute Lung Injury w/ Necrosis

Necrosis can have a variety of appearances and attention to specific findings can help narrow the differential diagnosis. However, anytime you see necrosis, infection must be the top 3 things on your differential diagnosis.

Click the image your case is most similar to:


necrosis 2.jpg


HP airway centered copy.jpg


13 copy.JPG

ANCA Associated Disease (Granulomatosis with polyangiitis)

Sample Signout

If no additional specific histologic features are identified, consider the following approach to signing the case out:

Acute and organizing lung injury with necrosis (see comment).

Comment:  The findings are quite concerning for an infectious process and correlation with final cultures and the results of the pending special stains is essential. Less likely possibilities include ANCA associated disease and infarction. Clinical correlation is required.